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Narrator: <”All that once was has been shaken beyond repair.  An entire world holds its breath as untold forces form at every imaginable corner, poised to strike into the heart of the crumbling edifice of a crumbling Golden Age.  Old heroes have faded away, leaving great uncertainty in their wake.  While they have passed into the realm of legends, others hold on in hopes of bringing an age of darkness to the world.  The coming age is one ripe for the taking - one bold soul, previously overlooked, can reshape the world in their own image.”>


The voice echoes from the phone speaker throughout the car’s cabin.

Narrator: <”The time has come when one valorous soul can change the world.  Amid the gathering darkness, her shining soul creates hope for a better world in this new age.  It will take more than one Fighting Princess to bring that better world to be.  And so she strikes out to form a true Fellowship of the Ring, one which has the power to fend off all the dark powers which would seek to end her dream.  A new legend is being written!”>


A pause, then the narrator’s voice asks a pointed question.

Narrator: <”How was that?”>

Konami grins in satisfaction as she pulls up in front of an unremarkably modest apartment building.  She turns the keys in the ignition of her noble automotive steed and there’s silence.

Konami: <”That’s exactly what I was hoping for!  Nice and fantastical setup for my quest!”>


Narrator: <”You sure about this?  I mean, she wouldn’t exactly be anyone’s first choice.”>


Konami: <”So she’s complacent, hard to motivate and her offense consists mostly of one move these days.   But trust me, I think she’s exactly the kind of person I need in my Fellowship.  With her you just need.. well, proper motivation.”>

On that note Konami stares up at the door to apartment 203 just above her.  With all the crazy things that’ve happened in the past year she hadn’t been back in Japan for quite a while.  Now she’s returned home for a brief stopover to recruit someone she’s fought alongside of countless times.  She’s definitely going to be the easiest person to recruit for her Fellowship, and bringing her on board is important to Konami.  Saki Kashima’s a person who’s always been an afterthought in whatever unit she’s spent time in.  You’d think of almost every other woman in a group before you remembered ‘ah yes, Saki is also there’.  Just like Konami, Saki is someone who just needs that opportunity to break out and become special in a way only she could.


Now whether the Queen of Cringey Otaku (self appointed) accepts her offer is another thing entirely.  Opportunity is beautiful in theory but this is a woman with a tendency to take the easy exit and just kind of set up camp there.  Whereas other warriors had turned to the dark side for personal glory, Saki was different.  Her decision, best Konami could tell, was entirely based on annoyance alone.  Tired of having to be sparkly and smiley all the time, that's all.  Kind of petty, now that Konami really thought about it.  Yet this queen was one whom she firmly believed could and would be more given this chance at reinvention.  


Her quest, therefore, begins with an ascent up the treacherous Mount Kishi Kaisei.  Each of the steps leading to Saki's palace felt odd.  They squeaked and creaked as if Konami's weight was a shock to their inanimate systems.  Perhaps they were attempting to forewarn her of untold perils to come.  Or maybe they were just neglected and forgotten.  Seemed like there was a lot of that going around.  Still the intrepid technician pressed on toward her goal.  Once she reached the second floor Konami eyed the bronzed number 203 which indicated her destination.  It was time.


With each step she took, Konami's grip tightened on the plastic folder she's placed her myriad notes in.  She's spent long hours surveying the landscape of professional wrestling in search of those best suited to her team's needs.  In a volatile situation that would easily change the face of the sport, chaos would be rampant.  A woman who gathered a fellowship of the ring with maximum potential for upheaval stood to profit greatly.  Not only that, but if she can pull off the assembly of a powerful team she's going to put everyone on notice.  It's the last thing anyone expects of her and that's precisely why she needs the right women for maximum turmoil.  So she's analyzed and studied options no one has thought of.  Women who have brief if any history in SGW in order to catch her opponents by surprise. 


 As she stands on the precipice, Konami eyes a spider dangling from the light adjacent to door 203.  It might just be lying in wait for prey, but she feels like it's staring back at her.  Konami stares back into its eight eyes the best she can and shares a moment with her fellow misunderstood creature.  A kindred (if arachnid) soul who seems to be asking her 'you sure about this?'.  After all her preparations, Konami doesn't miss a beat.  She flashes her toothy grin and nods in response.  Then at last she raps her knuckles on the ignominious door to summon the queen within.


At first, nothing but grim silence.  Is Saki even home?  She's pretty sure Saki ought to be.  Then suddenly a soft thud resounds within the dwelling.  More follow, at first disjointed in their repetition and only growing more regular once they're just a meter or so from the door.  A metallic clink later and the door opens enough of a fraction inwards to reveal a finely featured face framed by frazzled follicles.  Saki squints at the sudden intrusion of her private life.


Saki: <"I thought I made it clear I wasn't seeing any fans or well wishers!">


Konami's grin widens as she leans forward, face almost touching the doorframe.


Konami: <"How about a Submission Sniper?">


Saki: <"Huh, Konami-san?!">


Suddenly the door swings open, revealing the Queen of Cringey Otaku in all her glory.  Or rather an oversized T-shirt and track pants.  Somewhat slovenly, yes, but somehow oddly fitting.  This, Konami's confident, is a woman in need of an opportunity.  Saki blinks and with a sweeping motion of the arm invites Konami in.  As she ventures deeper into the dwelling Konami's confidence grows.  Despite her overly casual attire, Saki's furnishings are all clearly high quality.  The mini sofa, kotatsu and TV are pristine as if right off the sales floor.  A row of finely tailored outfits hang within the small closet.  So it seems Saki’s the same woman she teamed with in Oedo Tai after all.  Time to use that to her advantage!  Konami leans up against the wall and nods toward the closet.


Konami: <”I see your taste in clothes is as refined as ever.”>


Saki smirks.


Saki: <”Of course.  Someone who looks like me isn’t going to let herself be forced into rags from Don Quijote!  All thanks to men who’re super easily convinced that throwing money at me is the best use of their savings.  Or the best way to keep their secret plans secret.”>


Yup, Saki is precisely the woman Konami remembers.  Clever but complacent, prone to settling for a comfortable position rather than pushing herself.  There’s potential here all the same, it just requires the right motivation.


Konami: <”Heh, no kidding!  Look, I know you’re probably wondering why I just turned up at your little palace.>


Saki shrugs indifferently.


Saki: <”Maybe.”>


That’s not a no.  Konami smirks as she continues her pitch.


Konami: <”What if I told you that I had a way for you to convince an entire world of men to throw money at you?  And that that’s just the base pay before you add in all the money they’d spend on your merch?”>


Saki’s brow furrows.


Saki: <”I’d say you’ve got my attention.”>


Konami: <”Great.  Because I just signed for an outfit that could offer you more per paycheck than you’ve seen in your career.  And on top of that, there’s a whole world of wrestlers you can shock with that devastating move of yours.  I mean, they’d probably say that you’re a one note talent who relies more on luck than skill.”>


Saki’s expression grows dour.


Saki: <”The hell do they know?  They’re just jealous they can’t outwit me.”>


Konami holds her hands up placatingly.


Konami: <”Look, we both know what you’re capable of.  In fact the reason I’m here is to offer you the chance to prove the world wrong.”>


Saki relaxed a bit, though concern still filled her face.  


Saki: <”As much as I’d like to get paid ridiculous amounts of money and embarrass so-called experts, I don’t think going it solo’s a good idea.  Too much risk.”>


There’s that darn complacency again.  Luckily Konami planned for this.


Konami: <”Absolutely.  That’s why my offer is this: you join my unit, help me bring in some wild cards to really make things insane at their PPV, and I’ll get you a reliable tag team partner.  Someone you can become the greatest tag team champion ever with - and all the rewards that come with that.”>


Saki nods slowly.


Saki: <”Okay, that doesn’t sound terrible.. so where do we start?”>


Konami crosses over to the mini couch where Saki’s seated and eagerly places the folder in her hands.  Without a word she nods to it with a knowing grin.  As Saki begins to flip through the surprisingly detailed bios within, Konami fills her in.  She explains the conceit of the Body Count show, then her overly detailed process of narrowing down what talent they should scout for their team.  Saki nods as Konami speaks with great animation, though she seems to only be half listening.


Konami: <”Because everything’s up for grabs, causing the biggest possible shock to the system is our best bet to reap big rewards.  The women profiled in that folder have the talent for it, but also have spent little or no time in SGW.  No one’s going to know what to expect from us or these partners, which gives us the advantage over everyone.”>


Saki: <”Yeah, sure, okay.  More bodies to throw at the enemy to wear them down so we can sneak in and seal the win with one move!”>


Yeah, there’s a lot of work to do on Saki.  One thing at a time. Konami lets it go and shrugs in response.


Konami: <”That’s one way to look at it.”>


Saki: <”Where do we start?”>


Konami reaches across the couch and pulls out one of the bios.  She gives it a pat and grins confidently as Saki just stares at it in befuddlement.


Konami: <”I want you to go recruit her for our team.  She’s beautiful, has no problems using the wealth of older men to get what she wants and has the athleticism of an Olympic gymnast.  Honestly, you're perfectly suited to convince her to join us, Saki-san.  No one else can understand her like you.”>


Saki actually smiles even as she struggles to pronounce the woman’s name.


Saki: <”Tiffany.. Stratton..”>


When you have money, you have everything.  People who say that money can’t buy happiness know precisely nothing about how the real world works.  That incredibly pathetic platitude is just a bandaid for the have nots who spend every waking moment being jealous of the haves.  As far as Tiffany Stratton is concerned the unwashed masses can die mad.  Meanwhile she’s going to get everything her heart desires just by flashing a stack of cash.  Whether it’s her own wealth or her father’s doesn’t matter one little bit, the things it buys are the same regardless.


For example the luxurious white limousine in which she’s currently taking the scenic route toward the adorable little boutique restaurant she’s reserved for lunch.  No one else will be there so she can truly enjoy its charm and scrumptious gourmet meals without annoying interruptions. So what if it means dozens of people have been shut out of being able to eat there today?  She’s got the money to get what she wants, and that’s what matters.  Tiffany smiles in bemused satisfaction as the thought occurs to her, even though lately there’s been a bit of a snag in her lifestyle.  


Though she’s still got her daddy’s money, she doesn’t quite have everything she wants.  Because there’s something which not even the fabulous fortune she needs only flash a smile to access can acquire for her.  Something that taunts her even now as she’s trying to enjoy the idea of an exclusive private brunch.  You see she’s not just a good looking rich girl who knows the value of being rich.  She’s an athlete too.  Years of gymnastics training with no expense spared to ensure that she’s gotten to an Olympic level in the sport.  Not only that, but she’s also had her eye on the squared circle.  


Her eyes have been on the sport of professional wrestling for years for a lot of reasons.  Though it was one of the ultimate tests of athletic and combat ability, she had her eyes on something more powerful.  Star power.  Having all the money in the world and getting all the finery she wished for was good and all.  But Tiffany wanted the world to recognize how much better she was than everyone else in it.  With the intersections of television, social media and film with the sport, it was uniquely suited to propel someone like her into global stardom.  Starring roles in blockbuster films, a television deal and dozens of other vanity projects all to be hers as she shows up lesser women in the ring!


However there’s a catch to her big plan, and it’s maddeningly a problem money hasn’t been able to solve.  After some brief work in the sport she’s yet to be offered a spot in SGW!  The nerve!  Sure she could just hire some highly skilled and morally questionable lawyers to sue the pants off of the ownership group.  That thought had even crossed her mind about a dozen times.  It was just after she began looking into her directory of legal experts that Tiffany had been approached by the other women in the car.  Since they claimed to have a business opportunity for her which would propel her to stardom, she was willing to listen to what they had to say.


Seated across from her, one of the two is nondescript and wearing a dreadfully boring black business suit that’s so stiff it might as well be on a corpse.  The other, her hair dyed a sandy blonde, has potential.  Tiffany’s been studying this woman more closely than the other for many reasons.  The air of confidence which she carries herself with alone proves she’s the real authority of the two.  Add to that her expensive heels, dress, jacket and handbag all scream a love of luxury and the understanding that money makes dreams come true.  Of course her wardrobe appears to consist mostly of outdated clothes, so she’s not completely sold on the woman’s tastes.  That probably just means Tiffany should be able to wrap her around her finger with relative ease.  Since Tiffany is clearly the social superior here, she lets the other woman make the first move.  When this happens, the woman wearing fine clothes from last year’s collection speaks and her stiffly formal assistant translates.


Saki: <”Thanks for meeting with us, Stratton-san.  My name is Kashima Saki, and I’ve got a one of a kind opportunity for you.  But first, I have to ask - you’re wearing the new jacket from the Louis Vuitton executive line aren’t you?  It’s gorgeous!”.>


The foreign  language it is is off putting, but at least this lady’s got good taste.  Tiffany smiles as she runs her hand down the front of the finely tailored clothing she bought on a whim.


Tiffany: “That’s right.  When I saw it in the shop I couldn’t let it fall into the hands of just anyone.  Something this fine deserves to be worn by someone at the top of the food chain.  I didn’t waste any time in calling daddy to get the money to buy it before someone else could ruin it with their ugliness.”


Saki smiles back in understanding, which makes Tiffany’s defenses weaken.  Finally someone who has some inkling of how the world turns!  Someone who by her own estimation is still one step behind her and therefore likely to give her everything she wants.


Saki: <”Oh absolutely.  Let me tell you, when I walk into a place and see something that just screams elegance and style, I feel exactly the same way.  And when you have beauty on your side it’s just that easy to get someone to buy it for you..”>


Though the translator seems off put, this is music to Tiffany’s ears.


Tiffany: “He gets the joy of making me happy and I get everything I want.  Daddy spares no expense in making sure that I’m treated like the princess I am.”


SakI: <”And you are!  I know about all the training he’s gotten you, and I’m impressed.  Honestly when I think about that and how you look, everything about you screams ‘star’!  You deserve the chance to step into a ring and show everyone below you just how much better you are.”>


The self satisfied smile on Tiffany’s lips widens.


Tiffany: “You’re very smart, Sakee.  You wouldn’t believe how many stupid people write me off and hate just because I’m rich!  Oh my god, they won’t shut up about it!  If I can get into the ring again I’ll make them all cry like the poor little babies they are.”


Saki: <”You deserve that chance, Stratton-san.  That’s why I’m here!  I’ve seen your work and I’ve seen your sense of fashion, and I want to give you that chance to make them all cry rivers of tears.  I have a proposal for you -  you’ve heard of SGW, yes?”>


Tiffany’s brow furrows and she locks eyes with this strange businesswoman.


Tiffany: “Of course I have.  For some stupid reason they haven’t come to me to offer a contract despite how much better I clearly am.”


Saki’s arm sweeps across her body dramatically before her hand ends up cupping her chin thoughtfully.


Saki: <”It’s been their loss of course.  Until now.  You see they’ve got a big show coming up that’s open to all comers, and I can’t think of anyone who I’d want more to be the princess of my team than you.”>


Tiffany shrugs, feigning disinterest.


Tiffany: “Oh,  that’s so interesting.”


Saki leans forward and motions toward Tiffany.


Saki: <”Now we can’t make you the captain of this team because SGW’s already decided on who that captain is.  But instead I think you should be the princess of our team.  The woman who everyone’s eyes get drawn to immediately.  When women like us are in the ring, everyone else looks like a poor loser by comparison - and of course, you are the main attraction no matter what the card says! If you join my team, you’ll get a contract for sure.  If you get that contract, you’ll be able to get Syndicate Sports to buy you whatever you want too.  If that’s not true happiness, I don’t know what is.”>


Tiffany wasn’t expecting this kind of a pitch.  Other than overestimating her own star power, this Saki woman was speaking her language in another language!  It made so much sense!  Of course with the offer on the table, Tiffany was in position to add some demands.


Tiffany: “Well I’d have to have some special perks.”


SakI: <”I’m sure Syndicate Sports would accommodate you.  It’s only natural.”>


Tiffany: “I want my own dressing room with luxury furniture.”


Saki nods. 


Saki: <”Sure”>


Tiffany: “And any visits to salons, spas and boutiques I want covered by the company.”


Another nod from Saki.


Saki: <”Of course.”>


Tiffany: “And gold flakes to sprinkle on all the food I have specially prepared for me before shows.”>


Saki nods a third time.


Saki: <”Yes.”>


Tiffany proceeds to list off a large number of other expensive perks, all of which Saki nods in response to.  She’s got to be pretty desperate to have Tiffany on her team then.  Seeing that’s the case, she finally makes her decision.


Tiffany: “Okay then, Sakee-”


She once again mispronounces Saki’s name with too much emphasis on the final syllable.


Tiffany: “I’ll join your little team.”


Saki: <”Excellent! I’m so happy to have you aboard.”>


As the two women formalize the agreement each of them have similar thoughts.  Tiffany’s confident she just played this not quite as rich girl and got everything she wants into a contract.  Saki’s confident she just played this smart but far too loudly dressed woman by making her think she speaks for the company itself.  Each of them smiled in great satisfaction at their perceived accomplishment.


Somewhere in a bustling city within an edifice which has seen a century’s worth of quests, celebrations, heroes and villains alike, there exists today a neon-gilded gathering place.  Within its cement walls a low rhythm resounds so deeply that the dozens of glass objects within reverberate with a dance beat.  Scores of individuals seeking merriment and intoxication fill the establishment to the brim.  Some dance in close quarters.  Others discuss recent events, flirt or just wallow in some kind of misery.  As alive as the place is, one corner booth attracts more attention than the rest combined.


It’s bursting to the brim with a wide assortment of merry makers in their very best clubbing attire.  Despite their numbers and relative attractiveness, all of their eyes are on a single woman seated in the center of the group.  A proud warrior whose posture is simultaneously relaxed and yet promises danger for anyone who tries to start trouble with her.  Her musculature and height mark her as a uniquely potent threat to any such person.  Everyone within forty feet of her seems to have come to pay tribute to Jade Cargill or perhaps just to bask in her undeniable presence.  Yet there’s a distant look in her eyes as she sips her colorful adult beverage as one thought crosses her mind: this is nowhere near  enough for her.


It’s around this time that Konami hurriedly descends the steps into the club.  With the in house baseline thrumming to her very bones, the intrepid hero fights her way through the sea of patrons.  In this modern gathering place she’s come to find that famous unconquerable heroine who can change the tide of a match with her mere presence.  Even amid the myriad dips, ducks and side steps required to traverse the place, the Submission Sniper keeps her eyes on Jade Cargill. Konami makes as straight of a path toward the gathering of Jade’s admirers, nearly being knocked over or having drinks spilled on her.  Nothing matters but reaching that table before any other grappler!  


She nimbly spins on her toes to avoid a couple drunkenly dancing but does so with much more momentum than intended.  As she emerges in a clearing Konami pitches forward toward a table upon which a number of glasses rest.  Her reflexes are such that she just manages to regain her footing and brace herself against the table’s edge with both hands.  There’s a collective gasp from the groupies near her as Konami slowly looks up and locks eyes with a very annoyed unconquerable heroine.  Yet where her gaze was distant and detached, Jade’s eyes are focused and locked onto the intruder.  

For a long intense moment everyone is still as a statue.  Through distressed silver bangs Konami makes eye contact with a pair of fiery dark eyes.  Combined with the statuesque face’s slightly bemused expression, one thing is clear.  She’s got Jade’s undivided attention now - and so she just stays in that awkward position hunched over the edge of the table.  One wrong move is all it will take to incur incalculable wrath.  Konami blows some air upward to evict the bangs from her line of sight just in time to see  one of Jade’s eyebrows raise dubiously.  To this Konami reflexively shows her goofy grin in defense. That eyebrow raises a centimeter more and Jade waves to Konami.


Jade Cargill: “Excuse me, who the hell are you?”


Konami laughs nervously.  She pushes herself up from the table and then realizes something pretty crucial is missing.  In a hurry she shoves her hand into the pocket of her black jacket, desperately fishing around for something.  Jade glares at her like Konami’s an insect she’s about to stamp out.  Before that can happen Konami’s hand closes around a mostly flat rectangular object.  She pulls the phone out, swipes through the screen lock code and opens her translation app.  Armed with this she speaks into the phone and gets an English translation to communicate for her.


Konami: <”I’m here because I’m someone who recognizes greatness.”>


After speaking she slides the phone across the table.  Jade glances down at it, then rolls her eyes.


Jade: “Get in line, sister.  Everyone else here is the same way!  You see all these baddies here in this booth?  What do you got that they don’t?”


Understanding a few words, Konami takes this as an invitation.  Without any warning, she hops onto the table and nimbly steps between the drinks thereupon.  Amid the shocked shouts and obscenities, Konami gets close to Jade and then looks at the baddie to Jade’s right.  Suddenly Konami’s playful face turns direly serious and cold, promising violence as she waves to the side.  Without hesitation that baddie scoots aside and Konami hops down onto the red velvet cushion next to her target.  It’s such an unexpected move that Jade doesn’t try to evict Konami, even as the Submission Sniper sits next to her.  For a moment Konami’s eyes drift to her phone, which shows a translation of what Jade had just said.  Smirking, Konami slides the phone closer and speaks into it.


Konami: <”For one, an SGW contract.”>


Jade scoffs and speaks into the phone to ensure her words are understood.


Jade: “What’s that matter, huh?  You think it makes you better than these confident, strong women here?  You think that gives you the right to barge in on my business?”


Konami shakes her head and leans back.


Konami: <”No, I think it just puts me into a position to prepare the way for the most dominant wrestler in the world to make her debut on the biggest stage.  I came straight here when they told me to form a team because I don’t want anyone else to be the one who gives the gift of Jade Cargill to the world of SGW.”>


She smiles coolly, as if this is no big deal.


Jade: “Is that so?  And why do you think I need anyone to open that door for me?”


Konami: <”It’s not that.  You don’t.  But you deserve a few special baddies to unroll the red carpet for you.”>


Jade laughs at the statement.


Jade: “You’re damn right I do. Don’t get the wrong idea, I won’t just join some team so you get the satisfaction of being the one to welcome me.”


'Good, she’s a bit interested,'  Konami thought as she held up her hands defensively.


Konami: <”Of course not!  The fact that you haven’t come to SGW yet is because you’ve been busy I’m sure.  But now’s the right time to change that.  They’re opening the door to all comers and every woman’s got a shot to become the world’s champion.  It’d be a shame if Cargill-san wasn’t there to destroy every woman in her path to take that gold for herself.”>


Jade smirks doubtfully and points an accusing finger at Konami.


Jade: “As right as you are about that, what’s in it for you?  You know I’d be kicking your ass too.”


Konami smirks confidently.


Konami: <”Point taken, and I’m willing to accept that to see you get your chance.  My main focus isn’t to become world champion, even if that’d be nice.  I want to shake things up so much that the whole landscape of SGW is unrecognizable by the time Body Count’s ended.  No one’s better suited to do that than the woman who’s never lost a match on her own. If you join my team, I’m guaranteed to get what I want and you’re guaranteed a path toward the top title in the world.”>


Jade laughs.


Jade: “You’re a weird one, lady, but you’re not wrong.  The moment I choose to step into my ring, the old world comes crashing down.  But I’m not playing a supporting role on some team.”


Konami nods understandingly and sighs.


Konami: <”I get that, and if it were up to me we’d have you as the captain of this team.  No one else deserves to be the star attraction more than Cargill-san!  But even though I’ve been appointed captain of this team, I assure you the real star will be you. The rest of us will be fighting to survive to the big match, and our collective determination to get through to the grand finale makes us the best backup you could possibly ask for.  Think of it as a way to guarantee your own spot in that big match.”>


Jade nods slowly, eyes locked on Konami.  Almost have her, Konami thinks, and then she concludes her pitch.


Konami: <”I know what you’ll say too - once we’ve made it to the finale, it’s every woman for herself.  I understand that risk and it’s worth it to have the one and only Cargill-san in an SGW ring.  I don’t have any expectation of loyalty after we take care of business in the tag match.  Getting to see the world in flames as you take to the ring is reward enough.  Of course, I’ll use all the tricks at my disposal to survive as long as I can too.  But the real star is going to be you.  What do you say?”>


There’s a tense pause as both women look into each other’s eyes, daring the other to make a move.  Finally Jade smiles confidently.


Jade: “As soon as that tag match is over, I’m gonna kick everyone’s ass including yours if you’re in my way.”


Konami nods.


Konami: <”I accept the risk and welcome the challenge.”>


Jade looks to all of the baddies around her, then she nods.


Jade: “Fine, you get the privilege of me being the real captain of your team.”


Konami grins in satisfaction.


Konami: <”That’s all I need.”>


With that she seizes her phone into her hand and hops back up onto the table.  Backed by another chorus of highly annoyed voices cursing her, Konami dances her way across it.  Somehow managing not to knock anything over, she leaps onto the floor and spins around to face Jade.  After a sweeping bow of thanks Konami carefully slips back into the crowd and makes her way back toward the bar.  Once there she motions toward a pint of beer sitting behind the bartender, its amber coloration sparkling in the neon lights.  As this is placed in front of her, Konami raises the pint and takes a long hard swig.  She swallows, lets out an exasperated sigh and then a commotion nearby grabs her attention.  


A toned blonde woman in incredibly out of place foofy clothing stands over a shocked guy, fist cocked as if to strike him while he’s down.  His wide eyes and agape jaw tell the whole story.  He’s just been decked by the furious woman, whom upon closer inspection is strikingly familiar.  Konami flips through the various names she’s researched and realizes this is someone else she considered for her team.  Without hesitation, Konami reaches out and taps the woman on teh shoulder.  When the blonde spins around ready to deck Konami, Konami just flashes that toothy grin again.  Utilizing her phone’s translation app she makes an abrupt pitch.


Konami: <”Lacey Evans-san!  Easy there, I just want to talk.”>


Lacey lowers her fist just a bit but remains ready to strike.


Lacey: “You ain’t gonna ask me if I can get you Eva Marie’s autograph, are you?”


Konami’s eyes flit to the man who’s scurrying away from them.


Konami: <”That’s what he did?  What a loser.”>


Lacey hesitates.


Lacey: “I ain’t got unlimited time, hon. Spill it.”


Konami nods, takes another swig of her beer and then explains.


Konami: <”Let’s cut to the chase.  I’m on a mission to put together a team that guarantees every one of its members the best chance to survive to the main event and a shot at the world title.  I also want to bring a team of special women who haven’t gotten that kind of opportunity in their careers before.  I know all about you, Evans-san.  A former US Marine, the height of class and among other talents you pack the kind of punch that can plant someone in the mat without warning.”>


Lacey frowns a bit.


Lacey: “You sure know a lot about me.”


Konami: <”And I know that the last time you were in SGW, you didn’t get a fair shake.  I want to give you that chance you didn’t get.  How about we join forces to show the world how wrong they are about both of us?  I’ve studied extensively to pick a team that has the potential to start a revolution the likes of which SGW’s never seen.  And I absolutely want you to be a part of it.”>


Lacey folds her arms over her chest.


Lacey: “Is that so?  How extensively?”

There’s a twinkle in Konami’s eye as she responds.


Konami: <”I have an entire file full of extremely detailed dossiers on all the women I’m recruiting.”>


Lacey glares at her, then nods slowly.


Lacey: “Sure, why not.  Sounds.. interesting.


Konami pumps a fist in response and then feels the phone vibrate in her hands.  A call!  She flashes an apologetic loo and then turns to take it.  As she does so Lacey snorts.


Lacey: “Some weird foreigner’s gathering intel on a bunch of women to start a revolution?  I’m gonna watch you like a hawk, hon.”



Narrator: <”And so the Fellowship of the Ring was confirmed. A wealthy princess with incredible athleticism matched only by her ego and fortune. The powerful warrior who surrounds herself with women who match her expectations of beauty, confidence an strength, known as That Bitch.  A former soldier who carries herself with grace and watches perceived enemies as closely as she strikes out at perceived slights.  The Queen of Creepy Otaku who simply wishes to allow the other ‘heroes’ to clear the way to her revival.  At their helm a woman seeking to tear the remnants of the old world asunder so as to create room to come into her own.  These five souls shall make war first on the Mistress of the Dark and her evil horde, then the whole world.  Time shall tell if they shall succeed in proving all are different, and all are good.”>


One last dramatic pause, and the narrator’s voice drops the epic fantastical tone.

Narrator: <”Or are all of them just going to immediately betray each other?  Konami-san, you are crazy.”>

On the other end of the call, Konami grins.

 Konami: <"It takes a crazy plan to make sure this is> THE END <for the old SGW.">

The narrator remains silent for a long moment and Konami chuckles.

Konami: <"Oh yeah, you'll be in Seattle right?  I want to introduce Saki-san to her new tag team partner.">

Her narrator's voice perks up.

Narrator: <"Of course.  I've already got a plan to drag that hidden talent out of her.">

Saki's eyes bulge at that.

Saki: <"Wait!  What the hell-">

Konami grins at her.

Konami: <"Your reward, Saki-san!">

But that's a tale for another time.

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