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1-2-3.   A crowd of thousands roars approval that resounds throughout the Grand Canyon.  It’s a fight that was over far quicker than anyone could have predicted and an outcome no one could have seen coming.  Against huge odds and two of the most violent women she’d ever locked up with, Hikari Noa scores a huge upset by pinfall.  The girl who became an idol as a back door to the wrestling ring is now the world champion.  Those thousands of voices ring out as one: HARD TO KILL!  HARD TO KILL!  HARD TO KILL!  Despite her tough exterior, tears of joy roll own Hikari’s cheeks as she’s lifted onto the shoulders of her chosen wrestling family.  Though this is the final show WLCW will ever put on, Hikari’s moment is one that’s going to last forever. 


Hikari Noa has rewatched this match countless times since the closure of WLCW.  It reminds her how far she’s come since first starting out as just another wrestling idol.  As the video ends, she sighs and sets the tablet down on the futon next to her.  Sometimes it doesn’t even feel real.  Only the gleaming golden championship belt displayed prominently on the wall above the sliding door to her room proves it wasn’t.  This apartment has been her base of operations since the collapse of one of the largest wrestling promotions the world had ever seen.  A comfortable futon, decently expensive tablet and television, small kotatsu and some posters for heavy metal bands decorate the room.  There’s a closet nearby too in which both her casual clothes and wrestling gear is kept, but its bland wooden door is closed at the moment.  


But that championship belt is the centerpiece of the whole apartment.  Seeing the embossed words ‘WLCW Women’s World Champion’ every morning reminds her that she, Hikari Noa, is one of the very best wrestlers in the world.  Yet lately it’s felt a bit of a hollow statement.  WIth no WLCW, Hikari has had to work small independent shows that have cropped up here and there.  Defenses against local talents and veterans getting one last fight in have been her lot since triumphing over Jamie Hayter and Momo Watanabe.  All of these fights have been unsanctioned of course, but she’s still a world champion.  Does it mean anything?  And is this really what she expected when she set her eyes on the championship in the first place?


<”Oi, Hikarin! I brought some onigiri for today’s business meeting.  You want the tuna or the chicken mayonnaise?”>


These business meetings are more of semi-daily meetings are more of hangouts between the team that’s taken to calling itself Regal Rampage.  Sometimes there is actual business to discuss, like a small show with an opportunity for Hikari to fight or an invitation for an autograph signing.  Others Hikari hashes out her training schedule with Yuu and Konami, working around the practices and performances with Up Up Girls (Pro Wrestling).  Despite the odds the idol group reformed soon after WLCW closed its doors.  At the very least her wrestling oriented training keeps her in shape for the live concerts.  Working with Miu and Raku regularly feels great, but there’s something missing for Hikari.


What is it?  She still gets to wrestle semi-regularly and makes appearances as ‘the world’s champion’.  Something is missing from all of it despite how much bigger of a star WLCW made her.  But what?  Hikari thinks to her latest wrestling appearances, coming out in a fancy entrance robe to the delight of the fans in whatever gym the promotion could rent.  Makeup done pristinely, smiles for the cameras like the idol she still is, winning straightforward matches with her arsenal of moves.  Rinse, wash, repeat.  Hikari Noa is a conventionally good champion given the circumstances - wait, is that it?  She’s become a champion in the vein of Miyu Yamashita, Yuka Sakazaki, and countless others before her.  A mainstream main event talent!  Yet that’s not always enough, is it?  Not nearly enough violence, chaos, pain and pandemonium for her tastes.  There just aren’t enough chances for the Deathmatch Princess to truly indulge her long dormant love of breaking some skulls.


<”Oiiiii, Hikarin.”>


Hikari shakes her head and looks over at a bemused Yuu.


<”Whoa, sorry!  What was the question?”>


Yuu offers the chicken onigiri to her, the tuna having been bitten into by Konami.


<”Your head’s in the clouds again isn’t it?”>


Hikari frowns and shakes her head.  Just because Yuu is right doesn’t mean that she’s going to acknowledge it.  It’s happened during recent appearances too, which makes her very grateful that her friends are there to cover for her.


<”C’mon Hikarin, I’ve seen you do this a ton lately.  What’s on your mind?”>


Hikari bites into the onigiri to buy some time in which to clear her mind.  After swallowing she shrugs.


<”Nothing much, Yuu-san.  Just thinking about the next Live I’ll be doing.  What’s new today?”>


Yuu doesn’t respond immediately and instead pulls their drinks out of the reusable shopping bag bearing the image of a shark which he carries with him.  Hikari munches on her onigiri as well, not feeling particularly thrilled about the usual business they discuss.  Konami looks to Yuu expectantly, then leans forward toward Hikari when there’s no move by him to bring out whatever the business is.


<”Well Hika-san, there’s been an offer.”>


Hikari raises a dubious eyebrow.


<”An offer?”>


<”Ko-tan, I thought we agreed not to talk about that.”>


So Yuu isn’t keen on the idea?  Now Hikari has to hear it.


<”Well you blurted it out, so tell me about it already!”>


Konami takes a bite of her onigiri and then starts the explanation.


<”Yuh, thy wun -”> 


She swallows before trying again, causing Hikari to chuckle.


<”Yeah, they want you to fight in a title unification match. A company called SGW.”>


<”SGW?  Didn’t they have a weird Halloween show last year where some people died?”>


<”Yeah, and that’s one of the reasons why I don’t-”>


Hikari’s expression lights up at the realization that the company in question could have a dangerous environment.


<”Tell me more!”>


<”So they’re offering a ‘schoolyard massacre’ match against two of their champions, winner takes all.”>


High stakes?  Potential danger?  Hikari was suddenly very keen to hear more.


<”What’s a ‘schoolyard massacre’ match?”>


Yuu rather reluctantly explains.


<”It’s a match in an actual playground, like with slides and swings and stuff.  Sounds like it’s kind of a hardcore match with a weird stage.”>


Konami chimes in.


<”And there’s a mystery prize inside a box for whoever gets it first!”>

Now that is something Hikari has been missing - the opportunity to indulge the deatmatch part of her regal title.  To scratch that deathmatch itch.  Hikari’s smile is incredibly genuine as she prods for more info.


<”So what’s the holdup?  Where do I sign on?”>


<”There’s a catch.”>

Yuu’s concern is palpable, and even seems to be shared by Konami to a degree.


<”What?  I mean it can’t possibly be enough for me not to do this.”>


Yuu sighs.


<”It’s in North Korea.”>


<”North Korea?  Why there?  But.. that’s an incredibly dangerous place to go, and it’s an incredibly dangerous match.  I’ve never done anything like that before.”>


Both Yuu and Konami seem resigned to fate as Hikari reaches over her futon and fishes around for her other prized WLCW possession.  Once her hand brushes the solid wood, it grips the item tightly and pulls it out from its hibernation.  Mako, her bedazzled baseball bat which accompanied her to every WLCW show after she’d bought it.  With this in hand, she grins savagely.


<”It’s crazy, it’s dangerous, and it’s stupid to go. It’s time for the Deathmatch Princess to defend her throne!”>



A slight breeze picks up in an open space just starting to be illuminated by the hints of daybreak.  Within its subtly defined brick boundaries rest a variety of mysterious shapes which cast their long and menacing shadows to the far corners of the space.  Tall and narrow, wide and low seated, jagged and threatening, all eerily still despite the breeze blowing in between their various openings.  It’s a darkened clearing in which the Deathmatch Princess finds herself once again alone in thought.  Scenes like this have been commonplace in Hikari Noa’s imagination for the past five months.


Amid the twisted fantasyland she’s fought through the last year, Hikari sits upon a throne of tarnished metal.  For a moment she sees the throne room which had become hers after the triumph in the Grand Canyon.  A spanner splattered with blood.  An eyepatch with hints of scorching and the scent of gunpowder.  A lock of hair stapled to a lopsided square of canvas that had been clipped from a ring mat.  These all fade, as does the fulfillment those accomplishments brought her.  For a few moments the finely made blue gown with gleaming black and purple trim she has worn as the reigning queen of wrestling fades away as well. Now it’s just Hikari Noa, her throne and the surreal landscape around her.


This is the kind of place which she comes to ponder her place in life.  Even with the decision made to join battle once more, Hikari isn’t 100% certain it is the right call.  A return to a sort of violence which going mainstream has denied her is what Hikari’s heart desires more than anything.  Is it worth the cost of everything she’s risking by pursuing this match in a land cut off from the world?  Her very safety and well being on the line was the cost of entry.  It was incredibly likely that she was not going to leave this contest the same as when she entered it.


For a moment she’s suddenly back at a press conference for one of the many small shows she’s defended her title at over the past five months.  A small crowd of photographers crowd into the office that has been converted into a media room, and Hikari feels the weight of their expectations on her shoulders.  She’s the world’s champion, she has to act respectable now.  On the table is displayed the WLCW Women’s World Championship, gleaming in the fluorescent lighting of the room.  The other members of Regal Rampage are also here, but stand off to the side so as not to interrupt the champion.  As one of the reporters asks a question Hikari notices just how overly pristine the room is.  Not a speck of dust anywhere to be seen.  On top of that the poster for this upcoming show is positively boring and inspires no feelings but ‘oh, there’s a live wrestling show coming soon.’  It’s utterly boring, as is the question she’s asked.


<”Noa-san, what are your thoughts for your next title defense?”>


Hikari forces a pleasant smile and replies.


<”Well this next contest is going to be a very big challenge for me.  My opponent is very strong and she’s determined to become the new champion whatever it takes.  When we meet in the ring, I -”> 


'I want to spill some thumb tacks on the mat, then slam her back first right into them.  Maybe find a light tube somewhere and play baseball with her head.  Mako-chan’s coming out to play too, so please look forward to the cracking sound of breaking bones!'  These are the thoughts going through Hikari’s head, the things she really wants to say.  She stops herself before those words can escape her mouth, though.  A champion like her needs to give a more heroic answer than that.  Hikari is a real champion now, so she can’t just go and express her desire to fight a death match!  So despite her reservations she gives a less interesting answer.


<”I want to show her my full power right back.  When we fight I want to push her to her limit and prove to her why I’m the world’s champion.  I hope she fights at her full power too.”>


From behind her an all too familiar voice suddenly laughs derisively and speaks.  Hikari tenses up as the memory of the press conference fades away.


“It figures, the little brat who got in my way and took away the title that was supposed to be mine won’t risk it all again to get what she wants.  Typical.  You should just give me my damn gold and go mope in the shadows alone.  That’s all you deserve.”


Hikari stands with a snarl on her lips in response to the unwanted intrusion.  However there’s no one here, not hiding behind a haunting shape or lurking in the shadows.  Still Hikari feels the need to respond.


<”I’ll never be alone again because the world is with me.  Ishino-san and Konami-san have got my back.  And no matter what the world dishes out, no matter how much pain I get put through, I will just keep going.  I am the world’s champion!”>


Another voice, quieter but somehow more menacing. whispers into her ear.


<”But what does that matter, Noa Hikari?  Becoming the world’s champion cost you everything that you said you were.  Unlike me, you’ve suffered a fate worse than death by wearing the belt of a dead company.  It made you normal and unremarkable.”>


Hikari spins around, fists clenched and body tensed for a fight against the woman she worked so hard to topple.  But she isn’t here either.  Just Hikari standing amid a strange clearing, alone with her thoughts. Whether feeling imminent danger or just for the comforting feel of a bat in her hand, Hikari grabs Mako-chan off the ground.  Blood still stains its wood from where she slew the Black Peach at long last.  Hikari snarls as she hefts the bat onto her shoulder.


<”I’m not taking criticism from a thug who lost her right to be called a champion in mere seconds.  Yeah, I’ve gotten too clean.  But I’m going to change that in just a few days.”>


A psychotic gleam lights up her eyes as she clenches the bat tightly in her hands.  As she steps toward the center of the twisted realm, Hikari feels a presence at last.  The breeze picks up and becomes a wind blowing her hair into her face; she feels an actual presence to the west where the wind comes from.  She looks over her shoulder to see a luminescent pink portal open up at the edge of the clearing.  With a flight of marble steps just visible beyond the opening, a woman of short stature steps through while angelic music plays.  A goddess!  


Before Hikari can attack, another presence makes itself known in the form of a cold shadow reaching out to take her by the shoulder.  She forcefully shakes it off and spins around to see swirling, murky shapes form into an unearthly black tiger with glowing purple eyes.  Even before morphs into human form, Hikari knows this entity well.  The Sky Tiger Who Dances in Darkness, a devil she’s dealt with before.  Hikari takes a step back, orients herself in a way that keeps both enemies within her field of vision.  As the goddess and the devil approach her, a mad and violent smile spreads over Hikari’s lips.  These  will be the women she beats down mercilessly to regain her standing as the Deathmatch Princess.


Where to start?  She’s got the odds stacked against her heading into this contest against two others whose desire to win is as strong as her own.  Can she really hold her own against a goddess with two crowns and all the momentum in the world?  Is outwitting a mercurial demon who for some reason helped her win the WLCW crown, and is now coming to collect on that favor, something Hikari Noa is capable of?  While these doubts linger, the fire within her builds to an inferno as she comes to a realization.  Through her victories in WLCW she already proved that she is worthy to be called a champion.  No one expected her to upend Momo and Jamie then.  Many people probably don’t expect her to upend the fantastically talented Alexa Bliss and the nefarious Starlight Kid now.  In the end the truth remains: Hikari Noa is far more dangerous than anyone else her opponents have ever battled.


So where to start?  She eyes the demonic feline entity first, hefting her trust bat over her shoulder.  Their eyes lock and once again the intensity of Hikari’s war against Orphan Black fuels the passion of the Deathmatch Princess.  Hikari smiles savagely as she puts that passion into words.


<”Sky Tiger, I’ve been hoping that this day would come for five long months.  You might be the most difficult woman to read I’ve ever met.  Back in WLCW you were a force of pure chaos, lashing out at whoever caught your attention.  At least when you weren’t riding on the coattails of your best friend, the Black Peach.  Together you were an unstoppable force that threatened to swallow up everything in WLCW.  Until the girl you pushed too far scratched and clawed her way back into the spotlight.  No matter what the hell you had in mind I couldn’t be stopped.  The most dominant women in wrestling were taken out by me, and now you’re next.”>


She makes a menacing step toward the demonic tiger, which backs away at her approach.  Hikari laughs a little, then smiles wider.


<”I don’t know why you helped me beat Jamie, and I don’t care.  That’s the past, WLCW is dead.  You said you were interested in me?  You’re going to find out exactly what I’m about, Kid.  Don’t complain too much when I match your agility and send the Sky Tiger crashing down to earth in a burning, broken heap.”>


The tiger hisses and then dissipates.  Now Hikari’s gaze lands on the ethereal entity of the goddess.


<”Which brings me to you, Goddess.  You’re smart, so I know you’ll have done research into who I am.  I’ve done the same for you and I’m very impressed.  The first SGW woman to claim the title of an outside promotion and then also becoming SGW Women’s champion.  Unification is what you’re all about.  You’re the most resourceful, cunning, and dangerous opponent I’ve ever been up against. You’re exalted among all the women in our sport as the top talent who’s unrivaled in all areas.”>


The goddess’ aura intensifies, and HIkari defiantly aims Mako-chan right at her.


<”Compared to you I’m a boring, normal mortal.  That’s what I’ve become anyway.  But you know what?  I’ve got an itch that’s been bothering me for months, and at Game of Squids I finally get to scratch it. My true self has awakened and you’ll find out the hard way just who I really am.  I’m the girl who took all the abuse the most violent women in the ring could throw at me and smiled back at them.  No matter what you hit me with, I’ll keep on coming after you and return the favor twofold.”>


That heavenly entity starts to weaken and Hikari swings Mako-chan through it with all the strength she can muster.  As it shatters into dust and blows away on the wind, the twisted fantasyland transforms back into a playground with slides, swings and benches.  Hikari plants Mako-chan on the ground and finishes her thoughts.


<”For the first time in forever, I’m fully in my element. In this schoolyard massacre, I’ll give you both an education in pain and suffering.  You might be good, but you’re trapped in the Deathmatch Princess’ realm now.  I’m going to use every structure, every implement on hand to take you both apart piece by piece until you can’t even stand.  And you know what?  One piece of gold around my waist isn’t enough anymore.  I’m hungry.  Those titles you’re bringing look really nice, but I think they’ll look better on my shoulders don’t you?  Because if I take those crowns my way on this playground of destruction, I’ll become the unquestioned Deathmach Queen of Chaos.  From a violent anomaly to the best in the world.  I’m not normal, and now I finally get to prove it when I step over your broken bodies to get all the gold.”>


Yuu and Konami are here too, watching Hikari make her violent promise to the world.  Konami applauds her while Yuu remains doubtful.  He steps up to Hikari and raises an eyebrow.  Hikari flashes a smile, her expression filled with bloodlust; she’s going through with this.  She’s more sure about that than she’s been about anything in a long time.  Yuu sighs and gives her a pat on the shoulder.  With Konami smiling encouragingly from over Yuu’s shoulder, Hikari nods.


<”This is the kind of match that inspired me to become a wrestler.  As long as I still have breath in my body, I’m going to keep fighting to create a blood soaked legacy of broken bones and bodies.  It’s time for the Deathmatch Princess to take all of the thrones.”>

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